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Congratulations to OHS graduating senior Pascal Rotella for receiving the George A. Markham Memorial Fund Award through the Oconomowoc Area Foundation!

Pascal Rotella, son of Anai Lozano and Mauricio Rotella of Oconomowoc, will receive $5,000 from the George A. Markham Memorial Fund on behalf of the Oconomowoc Area Foundation to study Fine Art at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Pascal and his parents emigrated to the U.S. during his junior year and since then he has been involved with the OHS Theater Department. He held lead roles in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ summer camp musicals and the student-directed production of ‘Wrong Window.’ Pascal has excelled in his AP Art and Design class where he paints, draws, and sculpts with clay, and participates in community arts events.

Pictured with Pascal are Bob Johnson and Todd Scheid of the Oconomowoc Area Foundation


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