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College Campus

Frequently Asked Questions

If you need money for college, the Oconomowoc Scholarship Fund can help. Review the FAQs below to answer your questions, but always feel free to reach us through our Contact page if your question does not appear below.

  • Who is eligible for an OSF Scholarship?
    Scholarships are available to any Oconomowoc Area School District resident who: Is/was enrolled at Oconomowoc High School for at least four semesters Is/was a graduating senior of any accredited high school while living within the geographic boundary of Oconomowoc Area School District
  • Do I have to have perfect grades?
    No. If you have good enough grades to be accepted to college or technical school, you have good enough grades to apply for an OSF scholarship.
  • Do I have to attend Oconomowoc High School?
    No, you can attend any accredited high school, as long as you live in the Oconomowoc school district.
  • How can I follow news about the Oconomowoc Scholarship Fund?
    We will have current application information on the website, but you can get the freshest news about the OSF from our Facebook page, and by following us on Twitter and Instagram. Ask your friends to follow us on social media, too!
  • How do I apply?
    The application deadline for all OSF Scholarships, including the George A. Markham Scholarship is March 1. Apply online HERE

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ability, sexual orientation,

or gender expression, to the extent prohibited by law


©2022 Oconomowoc Scholarship Fund. All rights reserved.

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